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Here you can find all about Open Clean's presence in the media, as well as our latest product presentation.
The New Normal – Hygiene and Sustainability in Beverages
As we enter this so-called “next normal”, one thing is certain for consumers all over the world: concerns about hygiene are here to stay.
Cans and Coronavirus: what do consumers want?
In 2019, sustainability and reducing waste were the key trends when it came to promoting your product. In 2020, is it going to be all about hygiene?
The secret behind beverage can choice
Did you know consumers globally are worried about the hygiene of their beverage can? Even worse, this could be directly impacting your drink's brands sales.
Is your Drink Brand’s Packaging ready for Chunkier and Fruitier Consumer Tastes?
As European Summers get hotter, more and more consumers are grabbing drinks containing real fruit bits or jelly pieces.
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